This painting is a collaborative piece with my then 3 year old, Grace, on a 30″ X 40″ canvas using acrylic paints.
I painted the butterfly on the canvas in the first step and covered it with a layer of pink paint, where you could still see the butterfly underneath. Then I let her have it!
I gave her the canvas and put out all the colors on the palette and a few different size brushes and she just went to town! By the end of her work I had a canvas full of bright colors…and done in a free-spirited way that children just naturally can do. I could still see the butterfly underneath her work, and I set about “pulling the butterfly” out while retaining her colors and strokes. The end product became one of my most favorite pieces, and the process was DEFINITELY worth repeating.
Buy the original:
If you are interested in buying the original, comment below and/or email me at
harniferous@gmail.com .
Purchase prints of “The Path with Heart”