If you are interested in purchasing an original piece you see on this site, email harniferous@gmail.com and/or comment below!
Currently my paintings and drawings are $0.52 per square inch.
Prints are available for many pieces, or can be made available for a fee. Prints can be found at www.society6.com/harniferous
“Rooted.” Sharpie and Alcohol on 24″ x 24″ canvas. Prints available. “Community.” Acrylics on 24″ X 24″ canvas. Prints available. “Willful Healing.” Sharpie and alcohol on 24″ X 24″ canvas. Prints available. “I can survive the deepest hurt.” Sharpie and alchohol on 24: X 20″ canvas “Busting out of Prison.” Sharpie and Alcohol “Love Preserves Freedom.” Sharpie and alcohol on 24″ x 20″ canvas. Prints Available “Ride the Turtle.” Sharpie and alcohol on 24″ x 24″ canvas. Prints available “Lion 1.” Sharpie and alcohol on 24″ x 20″ canvas. Prints available. “Dino-Monster.” Sharpie and Alcohol on 24″ X 20″ canvas “Yellow Boxfish.” Acrylics on 30″ X 40: canvas. Prints Available. Blue Ocean Swirl Tapestry. Procion dyes on 70″100″ cotton fabric Two Loves in One-Love. Procion Dyes on 70″ x 100″ cotton/poly blend. Black and Blue Inward Spiral Tapestry. Procion Dyes on 70″ x 100″ cotton fabric Purple Burst Tapestry on 70″ x 100″ cotton/poly fabric. Handmade with procion dye Bleeding Heart Tapestry. Procion dyes on 70″ x 100″ cotton fabric